There are many pieces of technology that could be my favourite ones, such as my mobile phone, my notebook and my radio, but now I'm just going to write about one of them, which is my PlayStation 3.
I like videogames a lot, so my brother and I have got a PlayStation 3 that our parents gave us for Christmas, in 2012.
It's a videogames console, where we watch videos in YouTube and, of course, we play videogames like Battlefield 3 and 4 (which are my favourites), God of War III, Devil May Cry, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Resistance 3, The Last of Us and Pay Day 2. We just sit and begin to watch videos connecting to YouTube or putting a videogame CD, and then we play, usually online because we play in multiplayer mode.
The last year I used to play more often than this year, because now I haven't got as much free time as I had the last year, but if I can play and I want to, I just do it.
I like my PlayStation 3 beacuse of the videogames that are made for it, the graphics and because it allows you to do a lot of things, like connetcing with my friends while I'm playing and then play with them.
I think that my life without it wouldn't change so much, because if I don't have it, I could play videogames on my computer, or I could do anything different than playng videogames, like playing music, for example. But of course I prefer to have my PlayStation 3 than not, because I like it a lot!